Program Options » Spanish Dual Language One-Way Immersion Program

Spanish Dual Language One-Way Immersion Program

  • Bilingualism and Biliteracy
  • Academic Achievement
  • Sociocultural Competence
In order to achieve this, Cahuenga offers a rich English learning environment. Our classes start in kindergarten with a print-rich environment, a rich literature and standards-based curriculum, and includes speaking, listening, reading, and writing across all content areas. Our dedicated and experienced teachers are committed to preparing EL students to become native-like fluent English speakers.
  • Q: What grades are offered this program at Cahuenga?
    A: Grades K-5
  • Q: What are the requirements to enter this program?
    A: Your child must be proficient in either or both languages (English and/or Spanish).
  • Q: What Instructional Services are offered in this program?
A: English Language Development for English Learners, Target Language Development for English Only speakers, and language support in both languages.
  • Q: What does the program look like in the classroom?
    A: We offer the 50/50 model, which means:
        Both languages are used equally for instruction at all grade levels
        Target language and English literacy skills are taught simultaneously beginning in kindergarten
        All subjects are taught in both languages at all grade levels beginning in kindergarten
  • Q: What is the classroom composition?
A: The OWI program is an approved instructional program option for ELs. The classroom composition in the Dual Language One-Way Immersion program is composed of English learners of the target language.
  • Q: Who teaches the Spanish Dual Language Program classes?
A: All SDLP classes are taught by one teacher in a self-contained classroom.  In the self-contained classroom, the teacher delivers instruction in both the target language (Spanish) and English.  All SDLP teachers have a multiple subject credential and BCLAD (authorization to teach the target language), and demonstrate native-like fluency in both languages.
  • Q: Do students take any tests to enroll in this program?
A: English Learners take the ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Test) to evaluate proficiency in English and all students take the Korean language test annually.