Program Options » Special Education Program

Special Education Program

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines special education as: "Specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability."
"Special education ensures that the unique needs of students with disabilities are met through additional services, supports, programs, specialized placements, or environments. Special education services are provided to eligible students at no cost to families. The core purpose of special education is to provide specially designed instruction and intervention, as well as to give students with disabilities access to the same educational programs and/or activities that are available to their nondisabled peers."
Cahuenga is committed to support students of all abilities. We offer services for students with mild to moderate disabilities in a nurturing, supportive, and inclusive environment. We are increasing inclusive opportunities for Students with Disabilities.
  • What grades/programs are offered this program at Cahuenga?
Grades TK-5. We have the following Special Education classes:
    • Resource Specialist Program
    • TK-2nd, Specific Learning Disability Special Day Program
    • 3rd-5th Grade, Specific Learning Disability Special Day Program
  • Who qualifies for these services?
        Eligibility of students with disabilities for special education is determined by the individualized education program (IEP) team according to specific criteria. The IDEA includes 14 primary terms under the main definition of "a child with a disability." These federal definitions guide how states define who is eligible for a free appropriate public education (FAPE) under special education law.
  • What Instructional Services are offered in this program?
        The focal point of special education is the student whose unique educational needs necessitate a tailor-made program of instruction. Students receive a range of programs and related services based upon their eligibility for special education.
  • What does the program look like in the classroom?
        While teaching students in the most integrated environment is an important objective for special education, attention also is focused on addressing access to grade level standards.
  • Who teaches the special education classes?
        All Special Education teachers have a credential in mild/moderate or moderate/severe disabilities.
  • What are the steps in the special education process?
        There are five basic steps in the special education process: (1) Referral for Assessment, (2) Assessment, (3) The Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meeting, (4) Determination, and (5) IEP Review.
  • What assessments are given in this program?
        All students will take district and state assessments with accommodations and/or modifications, per IEP.