Program Options » Learning Center

Learning Center

Cahuenga’s Learning Center provides targeted instructional support in 8 week cycles. Our Resource Specialist Teacher provides assessment based instruction focusing on specific areas of need. Data collection monitors response to intervention and provides anecdotal data as a reference for other forms of support. Cahuenga is committed to support students of all abilities. We offer services for students with mild to moderate disabilities in a nurturing, supportive, and inclusive environment. We emphasize integration, mainstreaming and universal access.
The purpose of the secondary Learning Center is to provide students with disabilities with supplementary, direct instructional services in content, learning strategies, and progress monitoring in academics, transition, or social communication skills. Instruction in the Learning Center must be based on students’ needs in the general education program. It is not to supplant core instruction in the general education classroom.
1. Who qualifies to participate in the Learning Centers?
    Instruction and services for those pupils whose needs have been identified in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) developed by the IEP team and who are assigned to general education classroom teachers for a majority of a school day.   
2. What Instructional Services are offered in this program?
    Grade-level content standards and curriculum provide the foundation for all instruction. In collaboration with the general education teacher, the resource specialist teacher implements a program of student support through co-planning, co-teaching, and with direct services in small group. Resource specialist teacher support includes, but is not limited to, instruction in: • Behavior strategies • Basic academic skills • Organization and study skills • Social skills, and • Use of cognitive strategies            
3. Who teaches the learning centers?
    Resource Specialist Teacher
4. What are the steps in the special education process?
    There are five basic steps in the special education process: (1) Referral for Assessment, (2) Assessment, (3) The Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meeting, (4) Determination, and (5) IEP Review. 
5. What assessments are given in this program?
    All students will take district and state assessments with accommodations and/or modifications, per IEP.